Tuesday, September 16, 2008

058: Me Man

Me Man, originally uploaded by gingerpig2000.

My Pet Peeves.

Well, with such a challenge, where should one start? To be honest, the most long-running thing I get annoyed about is the way people assume that because they see you as a man/English/white/etc. that you must fit whatever mold they have in their heads. Great, it saves them from thinking, from treating one as a human. Eventually, these classes they assign become more important than the people themselves, and from there it is a short walk to there being blood on the floor.

I just want to be me, not a dog that responds to the commands of the so-called leaders of society without question.

You will find that it is not the classifications of what you are that is important, you are not a set of classes, you are an adhesive body that you can stick classifications to, and change them if need be. Changing these classifications, these labels that one applies to oneself, or allows society to to, can be hard to change, but the process will never get easier unless you practice. That means putting yourself in new situations deliberately, not waiting for life's wiles to force you to change. No matter what you are or what you become, the essential you will remain, holding together with the force of life itself.

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