Sunday, September 7, 2008

048: Temperate Horseface

Temperate Horseface, originally uploaded by gingerpig2000.


I had never heard of making your face resemble that of a horse, I assume it is a cultural thing. Anyway, since I used text yesterday as part of the image, I thought I would do something similar today, except this time I chose a proverb for the basis. Out came the bottles again, anybody would think I am an alcoholic judging by the number of times I use them as props.

I tried to use a gap between the water and the drinks bottles and split the text so that it looks like each piece of text goes with separate parts of the image. Bending my head and the long slope down my arm seems to help as well (the slow fall into alcoholism). I even chose the sweatshirt as something horsey colour.

A number of my photos, including this one, does not seem to fit the pattern of masculine-feminine, although the ones that do not seem to fit are intended to contain some humour. This has been an unconscious choice, I think something within me has waited a long time for expression.

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