Wednesday, August 13, 2008

24: 80s Style Double Exposure Portraits

Geepig on innovation, religion, monk, yearbook
Bible College Question, originally uploaded by gingerpig2000.

College Yearbooks are not a feature of my culture, and one's from the 1980s are almost a foriegn language. Religion seems to have crept into this weeks imagery, one I am sure will annoy some because they will not give me the right to have my own relationship with my god.

So, here I am pretending to be a bible college student, but if you look carefully at the black areas you will see a very much different image. Sadly, too much evil is concealed within religion, because religions generally ensure that you have little to do with how the are run and what actually goes on beyond your temple.

I am very pleased with the meaningful aspect of this image, accidentally created while concentrating on creating a fun image.

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