Well, if the first image had been a worry, the second more so - how was I ever to match the level of my first entry? Luckily, while having dinner with the family, I had rolled up my yellow napkin and it occurred to me that I could place it behind my glasses to produce a funny eye to entertain everyone for a moment, and give a niece the opportunity to use her new, 'professional' as she described it, camera. Yellow and white were not normal eye colours, I reasoned, at least not in this intensity.
The hardest part of using this technique for a self portrait is the fact you can barely see what you are doing, although it did give me the idea that a small mirror behind the camera could be useful in that I would be able to see if I was actually getting the shot I was after. Several shots were wasted with my head not being visible at all, but eventually I got this one. Only minor trimming of the image was required, which was lucky as I had another appointment soon after.
I was also concerned that my psoriasis would be visible, but I reasoned that since I had joined a self-portrait group, sometime my skin problem was going to become visible to other members: I could not hide behind doors forever. Only a little of the psoriasis was visible, good enough I though for an introductory image.
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